Pro and Con of Indian PM Narendra Modi


Narendra Modi, the current Prime Minister of India, has been a polarising figure since he first assumed office in 2014. As he continues to lead the nation in 2024, his tenure is marked by significant achievements and notable controversies. This article delves into the pro and con of Indian PM Narendra Modi, exploring the multifaceted aspects of his leadership that have both won him ardent supporters and vehement critics.

Economic Policies: Boon or Bane?

One of the most prominent pro and con of Indian PM Narendra Modi lies in his economic policies. On the pro side, Modi's government has been lauded for initiatives like the Goods and Services Tax (GST), which aimed to simplify the tax structure and increase compliance. This reform has streamlined the taxation process, fostering a more business-friendly environment. Additionally, Modi’s “Make in India” campaign has sought to boost manufacturing and create jobs, positioning India as a global manufacturing hub.

Conversely, the con of Indian PM Narendra Modi's economic policies includes the controversial demonetisation move in 2016. This sudden decision to invalidate high-value currency notes aimed to combat black money but resulted in widespread economic disruption, affecting small businesses and the informal sector. Critics argue that the policy failed to achieve its primary objectives while causing significant hardship to the common people.

Social Initiatives: Bridging or Widening Gaps?

Exploring the pro and con of Indian PM Narendra Modi in the realm of social initiatives reveals a mixed bag of outcomes. On the pro side, his government has launched several schemes aimed at improving the quality of life for the underprivileged. The Swachh Bharat Abhiyan (Clean India Mission) has been a notable success, significantly improving sanitation and public health. The Pradhan Mantri Awas Yojana (PMAY) aims to provide affordable housing to millions, addressing the critical issue of urban housing shortages.

However, the con of Indian PM Narendra Modi's social policies includes criticism over handling issues related to religious and cultural diversity. There have been accusations of promoting a Hindu nationalist agenda, which critics claim undermines India's secular fabric. Instances of communal tensions and the alleged marginalisation of minority communities have raised concerns about the inclusivity of Modi's governance.

Foreign Policy: Diplomatic Gains and Strains

When discussing the pro and con of Indian PM Narendra Modi, his foreign policy achievements and missteps are often highlighted. On the pro side, Modi has managed to strengthen India's international presence. His efforts to build strategic partnerships with major global powers, including the United States, Japan, and Australia, have positioned India as a key player in the Indo-Pacific region. Modi's active engagement in international forums, such as the United Nations and the G20, has enhanced India's diplomatic clout.

On the flip side, the con of Indian PM Narendra Modi’s foreign policy includes strained relations with neighbouring countries like Pakistan and China. The ongoing border disputes and military standoffs have escalated tensions, raising questions about the efficacy of his diplomatic strategies. Additionally, critics argue that Modi’s approach sometimes prioritises grandiose global ambitions over pragmatic neighbourhood diplomacy.

Governance and Leadership Style: Effective or Authoritarian?

The pro and con of Indian PM Narendra Modi are also reflected in his governance and leadership style. Proponents laud Modi for his decisive and assertive leadership, which they believe brings much-needed stability and direction to Indian politics. His strong mandate in the 2014 and 2019 general elections is seen as a testament to his popularity and effective governance. Initiatives like Digital India and financial inclusion through JanDhan Yojana highlight his commitment to modernising the nation.

Conversely, the con of Indian PM Narendra Modi's leadership style is perceived in his centralised approach to power, which some critics describe as authoritarian. Accusations of undermining democratic institutions and suppressing dissent have surfaced repeatedly. The controversial handling of protests, such as those against the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and the farmers' protests, has fuelled concerns about the erosion of democratic norms and freedoms under his regime.

Environmental Policies: Sustainable Vision or Greenwashing?

Evaluating the pro and con of Indian PM Narendra Modi in the context of environmental policies presents a nuanced picture. On the pro side, Modi’s government has committed to renewable energy targets, aiming to increase the share of renewables in India's energy mix. Initiatives like the International Solar Alliance (ISA) showcase India’s leadership in global solar energy promotion, reflecting a commitment to sustainable development.

However, the con of Indian PM Narendra Modi’s environmental stance includes criticisms of insufficient action against pollution and deforestation. Environmentalists argue that while ambitious targets are set, the implementation often falls short, with economic development sometimes taking precedence over ecological preservation. The handling of environmental regulations and the impact on local communities and biodiversity remain contentious issues.

Technology and Innovation: Digital Push or Digital Divide?

In examining the pro and con of Indian PM Narendra Modi, his emphasis on technology and innovation stands out. On the pro side, initiatives like Digital India have revolutionised access to digital services, promoting e-governance and financial inclusion. The push for digital literacy and infrastructure development has opened up new avenues for economic growth and societal advancement.

Conversely, the con of Indian PM Narendra Modi’s technological push includes the risk of exacerbating the digital divide. Critics argue that while urban areas benefit from these advancements, rural and marginalised communities may lag, widening existing socio-economic gaps. Concerns about data privacy and surveillance under expansive digital schemes also raise questions about the balance between innovation and individual rights.


The pro and con of Indian PM Narendra Modi encapsulate a complex and multifaceted leadership. His tenure is marked by significant achievements in economic reform, social initiatives, and international diplomacy. However, it is equally characterised by controversies and criticisms related to economic disruption, social inclusivity, and democratic governance. As Modi continues to shape India's trajectory in 2024, the debate over his legacy remains as vibrant and divisive as ever, reflecting the diverse and dynamic fabric of Indian democracy.


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